Gifted Youth Corner

News and Announcements for SFRM Gifted Youth and Their Parents

SFRM Chess Class/Club

SFRM Chess Class/Club

You want to learn chess, but don’t know where to start. You are an intermediate, looking to deepen your understanding of the game. Or maybe you just want to learn a new hobby in 2025. If this is you, consider joining SFRM’s new chess club to scratch that strategic itch.

Career Conversations for Gifted Youth

Career Conversations for Gifted Youth

Explore future career ideas with Career Conversations for Gifted Youth, an engaging live webinar series featuring interesting discussions with professionals from all walks of life and different industries.

LEGO Idea Museum Scavenger Hunt for GYs

LEGO Idea Museum Scavenger Hunt for GYs

What do a LEGO roller coaster, a working camera, and Optimus Prime have in common? For 15 kids, it is the ultimate playground for creativity and problem-solving during a special scavenger hunt at a LEGO Idea Museum, Your Next Brick.

Fun Activities for Kids at the 2024 RG

Fun Activities for Kids at the 2024 RG

Twenty-six kids aged 3 to 17 joined in on the fun at San Francisco Regional Mensa’s 2024 Regional Gathering Brilliance by the North Bay in San Rafael.

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