Benefits of a GY Membership

A Mensa membership for gifted youth offers academic benefits:

SFRM has GY Special Interest Groups (SIGs) that you can check out here.  Special Interest Groups (SIGs) are organized around particular topics or interests and since Mensans’ interests are as diverse as Mensans themselves, joining a SIG is a great way to meet others who like the same things as you.  We also have a Facebook group for SFRM Parents and Guardians of GY that you can request to join here.

At a national level Mensa has a Special Interest Groups (SIGs): TeenSIG and the Parents of Gifted Youth SIG. You can check the national list of SIGs here where some of them accept GY members.


Gifted Youth Volunteer Opportunities

Ask the Gifted Youth Coordinator on how your GY can serve or if there are any needs to fill with their time and talents. Examples where GYs currently serve in SFRM include: newsletter proofreader and GY member-at large.

Note: Gifted Youth may not volunteer or serve in positions that

  • have board-voting rights (“Executive Committee” or “ExComm”)
  • have fiduciary responsibilities (e.g. LocSec, Asst. LocSec due to succession, Treasurer)
  • require additional vetting/credentialing (GYCs and Proctors)


Get Involved in the Gifted Youth Program

As GYP volunteer, you can plan events

  • That your GY is interested in so that they can meet others with the same interests
  • That are family-friendly, open to the entire membership including members with young families
  • To share experiences and resources with other GY parents

Adults can volunteer with Mensa’s Gifted Youth Program (GYP) in two ways:

  1. Parent Volunteer
  2. Member Volunteer

Parent Volunteers

Mensa allows Mensan and non-Mensan parents to volunteer as Parent Volunteers for their local group so that the group may better serve their gifted youth. This is not an officer position and has no title associated with it.  Additionally, parent volunteers serve with the understanding that they assist the elected and appointed officers by hosting and organizing events for the gifted youth in their group.

Parent Volunteer Requirements

  1. Must be a parent of a gifted youth under the age of 18
  2. Background check is approved by the National Office

Note: Applicants who have resided outside the United States during the past five years are not eligible to serve as volunteers as a full background check cannot be conducted.

Member Volunteers

Some members may be interested in serving as a cleared adult (a.k.a. Member Volunteer) for GYP activities on a regular or occasional basis without the administrative responsibilities as an Assistant Gifted Youth Coordinator. This makes it easier for the member to contribute to the program.

Member Volunteers must go through the appointment and background check process.


How to Get Started in SFRM’s Gifted Youth Program

  1. Express interest to your the Gifted Youth Coordinator
  2. Pass the National Office Background Check
  3. Complete the GY Program Onboarding Process


Learn More About the GIfted Youth Program

On September 28th, SFRM and Regional GYC (Region 8) Lana Lee was joined by Michael Eager, Regional Vice Chair of Region 8 and Molly Bundschuh, Mensa’s Gifted Youth Program Manager for an Introduction to American Mensa’s Regional Gifted Youth Program.  While the topic centered around the Regional GY program applicable for other local groups that, unlike SFRM, do not have a local GYC, the topics covered also pertain to SFRM’s gifted youth program.

Watch the video | View the presentation

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