Hear from two aerospace engineers, Dr. Swati Saxena and Brad Lucht in this Career Conversations session as they share their insights and experience. While you may be under the impression that aerospace engineering is limited to building rockets and planes, there’s actually a lot more to it than you think! Learn about what being an aerospace engineer entails and what it takes to become one from experts in the field. Be sure to have questions ready for a Q&A session at the end of the webinar.

Hosted by Brandon Kong, SFRM GY Member-at-Large

This session is open to all Gifted Youth Mensa members and their parents and guardians


Brad Lucht has worked 35 years in the defense industry: rockets, missiles, space motors, helicopters, fighter jet, transport aircraft, supercollider, tanks, aircraft supercarrier. I’ve been the technical chair for four national conferences for a professional engineering society,and review papers for two engineering journals. He also hosts the Theodore Talks national lecture series for American Mensa.


Dr. Swati Saxena is a Senior Aerospace Engineer and Project Manager in the Aviation Systems Division at NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA. She is the Project Manager for the Digital Information Platform, a sub-project of Air Traffic Management Exploration (ATM-X) project in NASA Aeronautics. She also holds a lecturer position at University of California, Berkeley.

Her research interests include data science (AI/ML) for aviation operations, high-fidelity modeling and simulation, turbomachinery aerodynamics and computational aeroacoustics. Before joining NASA, Swati has worked at Ansys Inc. as the Technical Director for Aerospace & Defense and at GE Research as Lead Research Scientist.

She is a lifetime senior member of American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), holds two patents and more than 30 technical publications. She completed her MS and PhD in Aerospace Engineering from the Pennsylvania State University and her undergraduate studies from Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur in India.

See GY Events for our upcoming webinar schedule. If you missed or want to re-watch an episode, It’ll be on our GY Program YouTube channel.  We’re also looking for speakers – learn more.

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