We’re excited to announce the Youth Homeroom activity schedule for RG 2024 in San Rafael!  The Gifted Youth programming track takes place on Saturday, November 22nd from 10am-5:45pm with a breakfast with new friends event on Sunday morning.

Free Mensa Testing for Parents and Guardians of Gifted Youth at the RG

San Francisco Regional Mensa is offering gifted youth parents and guardians free Mensa testing on Saturday, November 22nd at 9am. Contact for more information.

PLEASE NOTE: The Mensa exam is at 9:00AM and regular GY programming begins at 10:00AM.  If both parents or guardians are taking the exam, the Homeroom can be available for your children if no other childcare is available. Arrangements MUST be made in advance with the Homeroom Coordinators, Lana Lee and Maria Gomez at .

Brilliance by the North Bay in San Rafael, CA | November 21-23rd
Join in on the fun and meet other gifted families.  Learn more about the RG and register here!


Homeroom Safety Guidelines and Expectations

By attending this event you agree to the expectations listed below:

  • Children MUST be fully toilet trained. We will not be able to assist by accompanying or helping your child to use the toilet as it is not appropriate for us to help with bathroom needs. Parents must accompany their own child to the restroom. Please remember that the hotel is a public venue with many people in attendance and child safety is paramount.
  • All minors must be signed in and out of the Homeroom by their authorized adult and can only be picked up by a person who is authorized to do so.
  • Parents must remain on site at the hotel during the RG hours if not in the Homeroom with their child.
  • Mensa will collect permission forms and emergency contact forms for every minor attendee.
  • No unauthorized adults are allowed in the Homeroom area – we limit this only to children, staff, and parents.
  • We are not a babysitter– we do not tolerate behavior problems, nor are we responsible for discipline.

Outside of the Homeroom, anyone under the age of 18 MUST be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times.


RG 2024 Homeroom Schedule

Saturday – November 22, 2024


Orientation and Check-in

For parents and youth homeroom participants – learn more about the day’s activities.


Brain Games Trivia

Form teams to solve fun puzzles and riddles. You could win awesome prizes!


Mandatory Pick-Up Time

Parents to pick up their Homeroom youth and perhaps coordinate sitting next to new friends during lunchtime!

12:00pm – 1:30pm – Homeroom Closed for Lunch

Make some new friends and have fun conversations.
CSI Mystery (without) Murder

Join forces with other Mensa secret agents to crack codes and solve ciphers in this exciting crime scene investigation. Prizes await!

Lego Olympics

Join the LEGO Olympics for Pictionary, bridge-building, and the LEGO Memory Game. Prizes to win!

Homeroom Closes – Mandatory Pick-Up Time

Parents to pick up their Homeroom youth and perhaps coordinate a combined dinner with other families at a local eatery.


6:00 – Birds of a Feather May Want to Flock Together for Dinner. (Independent)

Several close by options for youth and their families to connect with one another.

Sunday – November 23, 2024

8:00am – 10:00am
Breakfast with New Friends

Come and find us at our table for breakfast with the GY Gang!


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