Registration Hours
The Program
The program is for the most part in place but talks and times may still be subject to change.
FRIDAY 22, 2024
10:30-12:00pm | Early Birds | Guided Tour Of Frank Lloyd Wright's Marin Civic Center
Consider taking the guided tour of Frank Lloyd Wright’s Marin Civic Center, very close to the RG hotel, on Friday from 1030 to 12. The cost is $12, $7 seniors and students and tickets are available at marincounty.org/depts/cu/tours.
3:00pm | Registration Desk Opens | San Rafael Foyer
3:00pm | Hospitality Opens | Suite 101
3:00pm | Games Room Opens | Sausalito
The Game Room is open until Midnight. After Midnight, you can play games in hospitality. Games available include Scrabble, chess, backgammon, Encore, Clue, Yahtzee, Boggle, Blokus, Mensa Connections, Poker, ìSetî, Palabra, Uno, Dominoes, Cribbage, bridge, Parcheesi, and many others.
Jigsaw Puzzles
There is always have a picture puzzle started. Drop into the game room and add a few pieces.
4:00pm-5:15pm | Program
Virtual Reality: it's not Just for Games | Judy Unger | Mill Valley
What the heck is this thing called Virtual Reality and is it good for anything but arcadelike games? Let me show you.
Judy has been a member of Mensa since 1971. She started using Virtual Reality over 10 years ago as a fun motivational way to exercise. Judy runs an ISIG for Virtual reality which currently has over 300 members worldwide.
Contact Judy at
Living A More Satisfying Life | Danni Luo | Corte Madera
A fascinating session about how to raise your overall satisfaction level in life. Unlock the secrets of why using your creative brain is a total game-changer. Dive into the differences between the “logical” and “creative” sides of your brain. We’ll explore how this can boost your physical and mental health, discover the long-term perks, and learn some cool tricks you can start using right now!
Danni Shinya Luo is a Pop Surrealism artist with a 12-year career in the gallery and entertainment art industry. Along side of her art career, she’s also deeply involved in the health and wellness community, with 10 years of experience teach Yoga, fitness, and meditation. Her passion is studying how to find happiness and achieve resiliency.
Contact Danni at
4:30-7:00pm | Excursion To The Museum Of International Propaganda | Downtown San Rafael
Meet in the hotel lobby at 4:30pm to carpool to the special free tour.
Excursion to the Museum of International Propaganda (Admission is free) in downtown San Rafael (www.museumofpropaganda.org) followed by dinner in the Arts District.
The museum’s collection of propaganda has taken over 30 years to compile and represents the political art of more than 25 countries, including N. Korea, Cuba, Nazi Germany, Vietnam, Iran, and the Soviet Union. The objects on display were mostly designed and financed by various governments, dictators, and special interests with specific political goals in mind. The exhibits guide visitors through 7 themes, techniques and styles of propaganda. We hope you will come away with an awareness of the influence propaganda has on our lives even today
International Propaganda Museum
1000 Fifth Ave, San Rafael
5:30pm-6:30pm | Hotel Reception | Hotel Bar
6:30pm-7:45pm | Buy Your Own Dinner Break
8:00pm-9:15pm | Program
Among the Living: Decoding the Death Paradox | Gabriel Bellman, Esq. | Mill Valley

Gabriel Bellman is a lawyer, mediator, and university director. He has a JD (UCLawSF),MA(NYU) and BA(USC). He helped start the MTV series True Life in the late 90’s. He has directed multiple documentary films and has written theater plays, Operas produced at Juilliard, magazine articles, essays, and is the co-founder of a non-profit film festival (18 years running).
Contact Gabriel at
Why Is Love So Popular? | Andy Lampenfeld | Corte Madera

In this talk, I will attempt to provide explanation, details, and examples of how and why this works.
Poetry Reading | Host: Judy Unger | Ross
Have you written a poem that you’d like to share?
Do you enjoy poetry and would like to sit and listen?
If your answer to any of the above is YES, this session is for you. I’m planning an informal relaxed sesion. Share if you want, listen if you prefer.
I have been a member of Mensa since 1972. For most of my life, I expressed my creativity in some form of visual art. I was a graphic artist and an avid photographer. As my sight fails me, I have turned to poetry to express my feelings.
Contact Judy at
Debate Room: Abortion after Dobbs | Host: Jeffry Fisher | Tiburon
Debate Room is a series of moderated, roundtable discussions, often on incendiary topics. It is NOT a shouting match! On the contrary, Debate Room tracks at various AGs and RGs have proven able to achieve a virtually pure signal-to-noise ratio even in rooms full of polarized Mensans. Understanding has been increased, and although strong views may not have been greatly changed, they have been refined while neutrals have become better informed.
9:00pm | Registration Desk Closes | San Rafael Foyer
9:30pm-10:45pm | Program
History of Chocolate (and Tasting) | Michael Eager | Larkspur
Chocolate comes from the obroma cacao tree, literally, the food of the gods. So why is it the main ingredient in Devil’s Food Cake? Mike will discuss the history of chocolate, as rich as its flavor, how it was discovered and turned from state secret and beverage of the wealthy to the favorite gift forSt. Valentine’s Day. He will have a selection of domestic and international chocolates for your appreciation.
Mike likes chocolate. He talks about chocolate at SF RGs. When not eating chocolate, he makes mole, mousse, and gelato.
Contact Michael at
Altered States, Creativity and Psychedelics | Neil Harris | Mill Valley
My talk will cover some of the following: Many positive and negative aspects of psychedelics; a brief history of Altered States facilitating creativity; the 3 ages of psychedelics in the US; what I learned from my friendships with researchers; Two Icons who changed our lives because of LSD; the History of LSD; Hoffman’s last LSD thoughts; “Altered States” film; Marijuana, Peyote, Mescaline & Ketamine. I will share a few of my transformative experiences.
Lifetime member of Mensa, Polymath, Generalist, Multifaceted Mind and caring heart. He attended many Colleges and Universities, with a number of degrees; studied psychedelics for many years; was friends with many main LSD researchers; In 60’s lived in San Francisco; In 70’s was on the Esalen Staff for 3½ years, and also helped Joan Halifax start the Ojai Foundation.
An Engineer's Journey through life | Pete Antoniak | Corte Madera
Reflections on the experience of someone who wrote his first computer code in 1962, was in command of a Navy Seabee team in Vietnam, testified before a Senate Subcommittee, was once sued by George Lucas over a spreadsheet program and was once program manager of the first Inertial confinement fusion reaction project and a lot more.
Pete Antoniak is a retired Navy Commander, Professional Engineer, Software and book Author and long time MENSA Member who let the AG Joke Off a dozen times. His experiences in life are unique and fascinating.
Contact Pete at
Midnight | Hospitality & Games Room close for the night. Good night!
SATURDAY 23, 2024
7:20am | Registration Desk Opens | San Rafael Foyer
7:30am | Hospitality | Coffee available | Suite 101
7:45am | Early Bird Hike | Led by Roberta McGuire
Join Roberta and other early risers. Meet in the lobby at 7:45 to walk around the lovely lagoon.
8:00am | Hospitality | Light Breakfast | Suite 101
(Hotel guests have breakfast buffet)
9:00am | Testing | Tiburon
9:00am-10:15am | Program
AI - Where we will go from here | Frank Stienhans | Mill Valley
Every day we hear about advancement of Artificial Intelligence.
With regards to AI, I would like to present and discuss:
- Quick Baseline knowledge: status of AI
- Where is human kind at his point in time?
- How did we get here?
- What is the path ahead?
- What should we tell the next generation? “Change is Opportunity”
I am passionate about Guiding and Empowering People in my professional field of IT Innovation and Strategy.
My career lead me from SAP to Amazon. I started my own company and sold it to Lemongrass Consulting, where I currently head AI.
I have a 15 year old daughter, who started beating me in chess when she was 8.
I love outdoors and good wine.
Contact Frank at
Who Wrote Shakespeare? A Perspective on the Debate | Richard Smiley PhD | Larkspur
Many members of Mensa are surprised to learn that some notable people don’t or didn’t believe the works of our Bard were written by a man from Stratford-on-Avon. Among these are: Charlie Chaplin; James Joyce; Sir Derek Jacobi; Justice John Paul Stevens; Charles Dickens; Malcom X; Claire Booth Luce; and John Galsworthy. Did these people sleep through English 101? What accounts for this anomaly? Join Dr. Richard Smiley for a thought-provoking talk on the Shakespeare authorship controversy.
Richard Smiley is a retired Educational Psychologist currently living in Anacortes, Washington. He graduated from the University of Southern California with a PhD and worked as an educational psychologist for 35 years. Richard has been involved in the Shakespeare authorship controversy for 25 years.
Contact Richard at
Mysterious Etruscans - Why Were They Important? | Barbara Canup| Corte Madera
Visitors to Tuscany and Umbria are often told that those basements, foundations, walls and wells underneath the glorious Renaissance buildings and piazzas are Etruscan. Who were these people, why do we think of them as mysterious, and did they leave a legacy beyond basements and foundations?
Barbara is a long-time member of Mensa, and a member of the Archaeological Institute of America. She worked as a CPA, but has had life-long interests in travel, archaeology, geology and photography. Her most recent trip to Tuscany and Umbria brought all of those interests together.
Contact Barbara at
GY 10:00am | Homeroom Orientation and Check-in | Red Oak Dining Room
10:30am-11:45am | Program
How to do your best in an Interview | John Mein | Larkspur
I will go through extensive guidance on how to prepare and what to do in an interview to give you the best chance of being hired. Of course, 80% of the reason you may be hired is because of your education and experience, but 20% can depend upon your interview techniques. I can help with that.
I am a engineer by education now doing recruiting in the high tech field for five years. I have extensive experience in training candidates to do their best in an interview whether in person or virtual. I have placed over 50 people to date–mostly engineers.
Contact John at
Blockchain-AI-Quantum: Mathematical Frontiers | Melanie Swan | Mill Valley

Melanie Swan, PhD, MBA is a Research Associate at the Centre for Blockchain Technologies at University College London and a Primary Investigator at DIYgenomics with research interests in solving human-facing problems with conceptual frontiers in science and technology.
Mistakes Therapists Make | Dr. Michael R. Edelstein | Corte Madera
Many psychotherapists fail to base their therapy on the First Principle: our emotions and behaviors come from our thinking about events, not from the events themselves.
I am a clinical psychologist, author of 5 books, a podcaster, a Psychology Today blogger, and supervisor of therapists. I was a colleague of Albert Ellis.
Contact Michael at
YOUTH SPEAKER | Ephemera : Long Forgotten Stories of the Past | Rowan Kloski | Ross
Join me and my expertise in uncovering the long-forgotten stories of the past. Learn of the rivalry of close brothers to the undecided currency of past America, or meteor-struck desert glass. By taking a moment of your time, you will be one of the prestigious, select few who will see the physical the physical objects behind these rare, long forgotten stories. (led by Rowan Kloski, 11yo, for other gifted youth and any adults interested in ephemera)
Rowan Kloski, 11 years old, is happiest when he is finding out new hidden stories behind the world in which we daily live. Attending 6th grade, Rowan also likes almost everything! Interests include: fencing, computer games, stamp collecting, talking to knowledgeable people about their interests, prototyping…and all while having a happy attitude and a great smile 🙂
Contact Rowan via his dad Nick at
GY ACTIVITY | 17 and under ONLY + their adults | Brain Games | Red Oak Dining Room
GY PARENT TALK | Mensa Parents Roundtable | Lana Lee | Petaluma
Lana Lee is SFRM’s Gifted Youth Coordinator and Region 8’s Regional Gifted Youth Coordinator. At a national level, she serves on both the Gifted Youth and Marketing Committees for American Mensa, the strategic planning committee for the Mensa Foundation and served on the board of the Gifted Homeschoolers Forum (GHF).
Contact Lana at
11:45am-Noon | Mandatory Homeroom Pick-Up Time
Parents to pick up their Homeroom youth and perhaps coordinate sitting next to new friends during lunchtime!
11:45am | Hospitality closes.
11:50am | Registration Desk Closes | San Rafael Foyer
Noon | Lunch in East Atrium
1:30pm | Hospitality reopens | Suite 101
1:30pm-2:45pm | Program
Wonderful Unlimited Productions Inc. Presents: CUE PLAY - “Rebuilding Culture Through Art and Action” | Larkspur
Featuring CUE partners Olivia Yasmin (Artistic Director, Fenix Drum & Dance), Mst. Lewis (Social Entrepreneur and CEO, GodMode LLC), and Emmanuelle Sainte (Outreach and Educational Coordinator, Game Amp P.L.A.Y. 501c3).
Our CUE PLAY experience will spotlight Fenix Drum & Dance’s educational performance series, “From Africa to the Americas.” This powerful vignette traces the journey of African rhythms and dance, illustrating their transformation and influence across the Americas. Through captivating performances and interactive demonstrations, audiences will gain a deeper appreciation for the historical and cultural impact of these vibrant traditions.
In addition, youth performers from the Living Arts Historical Troupe will present an inspiring segment of their international, multi-ethnic, African-Diaspora historic fashion show. This showcase highlights the artistic and cultural contributions of individuals from across the globe who have shaped art, culture, and historical literacy.
The event will culminate with the empowering lyrical expressions of Mst. Lewis from GodMode Productions. As a versatile videographer, hip-hop lyricist, farmer, and carpenter, Lewis will share his vision of “Rebuilding The Culture,” a movement focused on sustainable agriculture and healthy lifestyle practices.
The CUE PLAY Collective, which includes dedicated parents, artists, educators, social justice advocates, and social entrepreneurs, works to enrich communities through Game Amp P.L.A.Y.’s educational and creative productions while supporting sustainable initiatives.
Why the Scopes Trial (1925) is still Relevant | Eugenie C Scott | Mill Valley
2025 will be the 100th anniversary of the “Trial of the Century”: Tennessee vs John T. Scopes. The first major sally against the teaching of evolution in the US, and, mostly because of the fictional play and movie “Inherit the Wind”, Scopes is wrongly perceived as a victory for evolution over the forces of obscurantism. The full story is much more complex and interesting, involving science, religion, law, education, politics, celebrities, modern communications, and the politicization of science.
Dr. Eugenie C. Scott is an expert on the creationism and evolution controversy and science denialism. The former director of the National Center for Science Education, she is the recipient of numerous awards from scientists and educators, and has been awarded ten honorary degrees. Asteroid 249540 Eugeniescott was named for her but she assures us it is not aimed at Earth.
Contact Eugenie at
The Most Famous Equation | Tucker Hiatt | Corte Madera
Debate Room: Personal privacy: do we miss it? | Host: Roberta McGuire | Tiburon
Protecting personal privacy has become a more significant issue in recent years with the advent of new technologies and the proliferation of personal information. The federal government collects and uses personal information on individuals in increasingly sophisticated ways for things like law enforcement, border control, and enhanced online interactions with citizens. In the private sector, commercial entities collect, share, and sell vast amounts of personal information for marketing and other purposes. The collection or use of personal information by the federal government is governed primarily by two laws: the Privacy Act of 1974 and the privacy provisions of the E-Government Act of 2002.
There is also no federal statute that gives consumers the right to learn what information is held about them for marketing purposes and who holds it. And there is no overarching federal privacy law that governs the collection and sale of personal information among private-sector companies. Companies increasingly use numeric scores to predict how consumers will behave. These scores are based on hundreds of pieces of information about a person’s purchases and personal characteristics. Scores are used, for example, to target ads or provide individualized pricing. Unlike traditional credit scores, these scores may not be subject to consumer protection laws that seek to ensure fair and transparent treatment.
How can we address the threats to anonymity and other privacy risks of emerging technologies used for law enforcement or commercial purposes (such as geolocation and biometric applications)?
Debate Room is a series of moderated, roundtable discussions, often on incendiary topics. It is NOT a shouting match! On the contrary, Debate Room tracks at various AGs and RGs have proven able to achieve a virtually pure signal-to-noise ratio even in rooms full of polarized Mensans. Understanding has been increased, and although strong views may not have been greatly changed, they have been refined while neutrals have become better informed.
New Members Meet and Greet | Jen & Barry | Petaluma
Please join SFRM Membership Officer, Barry Krasner, and LocSec (President), Jennifer Storm-Alves, for a new member meet and greet! Whether you are brand new to Mensa (what is a SIG? AG vs RG?), or someone who may have rejoined after a lapse… or maybe you’ve never left Mensa (relocated from another local group to SFRM)- please stop by! We are happy to introduce ourselves and answer your questions about Mensa and SFRM. Come for a few minutes or the whole session to mingle as you please! We are looking forward to meeting you!
Contact Jen at
Contact Barry at
GY ACTIVITY | 17 and under ONLY + their adults | CSI Mystery (without) Murder | Red Oak Dining Room
Join forces with other Mensa secret agents to crack codes and solve ciphers in this exciting crime scene investigation. Prizes await!
GY PARENT TALK | Light their Fire: The Brilliance of 2E/IG kids | Jen and Rick | Ross
Jen will share key background information with parents about what it means to be intellectually gifted or twice exceptional, how these kids develop and learn, explore some common but confounding quirks and patterns, present evidence on why more isn’t necessarily better, and discuss why it all matters – not just to us as parents but to society as a whole. Next, Rick will discuss his work with gifted/2E kids as a master STEM teacher and how he lights the fire by honoring their natural curiosity.
Jen has been an educator for the past 20+ years, currently serving as a director of curriculum and instruction, identifying and honoring the needs of the gifted and twice exceptional students who are so often misunderstood. Rick has been a teacher for 16 years and continues to inspire kids through his work as a master STEM teacher at a Bay Area independent school.
Contact Jen and Rick at
3:00pm-4:15pm | Program
Mentally Multiply to 10,000 and Beyond! | Lance Voorhees | Larkspur

Road Rallies: Motor Sports for People who Think | Jim Robison | Corte Madera
Motorsports probably began when the second automobile was produced and someone said, “mine is faster than yours”. Originally, races were held on public roads. Then for various reasons, including safety and financial, automobile racing moved to closed courses. But the thrill of competition and the joy of overcoming obstacles could not be confined to a closed course. A new sport evolved to enjoy automotive competition safely and legally on public roads. That is the sport of road rallies.
Dr. Robison worked in industry for 30 years, lectured at Sonoma State University for 20 years, and served in the U.S. Army Reserve for 22 years. He also found time to organize and participate in countless road rallies for over 60 years. Now retired, his hobbies include writing (short stories and books) and, of course, road rallies. Dr. Robison is also the author of Project Math, a guide to the mathematics of project management, and the recently published Spreadsheet Models for Statistics. Both are available on Amazon.
Contact Jim at
Gonzo Trivia! | EXTENDED SESSION 3:00:5:45 | Mark Jackman | Mill Valley
Brainstorm Growing Mensa Membership | Host: Mickie Winkler | Tiburon
Game Testing | Petaluma
Designing a Game and the Importance of Creativity | Matt Minter
I would like to share my journey as a musician, writer and game designer. I will be discussing the importance of engaging with creative outlets, breaking down your personal barriers, and allowing yourself to engage in things that spark your interest and curiosity. Participants can also play a test session of Chaos Melody: a D20-based roleplay game set in a futuristic world filled with strange technologies and magic. Each session will have a maximum of 6 participants and will last approximately 45 minutes.
My name is Matt Minter. I’ve been telling stories through various mediums for most of my life. My love for music, art and collaborative storytelling has led me to creating Chaos Melody so others can tell stories of their own inside my fictional world.
GY ACTIVITY | 17 and under ONLY + their adults | Lego Olympics | Red Oak Dining Room
GY PARENT TALK | Raising gifted children in the Bay Area| Kumaran and Eileen | Ross
4:30pm-5:45pm | Program
Space-Based Projects at Lockheed Martin | Ron Baraze | Larkspur
Lockheed Martin has developed many innovative projects for Space, most recently a Lightning Mapper which is used for forecasting of tornadoes and warnings of lightning-caused fires. We have 2 Guinness World records for detecting the longest lightning distance/duration. Other historic projects include Gravity Probe-B to confirm Einstein’s gravitational theories, Solar observing imagers, high-energy particle spectrometers, and other innovative projects in conjunction with world-wide universities.
I began working at Lockheed during my sophomore-year at Gunn high-school in Palo Alto, and was hired full-time after completing college at UCSC. I have worked on 23 space-flight projects for Lockheed Martin partnered with higher-learning institutions such as Stanford University, Oxford Physics Department, University of Huntsville, and the Enrico Fermi Institute.
Magic: The $1B card game you should be playing! | Nick Kloski | Ross
Back in the heady days of the mid 1990’s collectible card games were yet to be invented. Sure, there were baseball cards, but could you really “play” them? Magic the Gathering started the collectible card game genre! MTG generates over $1.1B in revenue per year. Why? Because it’s great fun to play and to collect! Attend and learn the basics of how to play, and learn-by-playing with some beginner-friendly decks. I put together 30x decks that I plan on giving away at the talk, to the first 30 people who show up and/or want one. These will be FREE (or small up-to $5 donation to cover my cost only if desired) to the first 30 takers. The decks are immediately and fully playable, and the session will leave time for attendees to play a game for themselves.
Nick Kloski lives in Walnut Creek and is a happy husband and father. Interested in 3D printing, epic poems, fencing, all forms of creativity, and people who are kind to other people.
Contact Nick at
Region 8 Round Table | Michael Eager | Tiburon
Join Region 8 Regional Vice Chair for a discussion about American Mensa, Region 8, and your local groups. Please come with your questions, thoughts, and ideas.
Michael Eager is the Regional Vice Chair for the Pacific Intermountain Region which includes SFRM and ten other local groups from Alaska to Montana to Nevada. Previously he served multiple terms as SFRM’s Local Secretary.
Contact Michael at
Game Testing | Petaluma
Designing a Game and the Importance of Creativity | Matt Minter
I would like to share my journey as a musician, writer and game designer. I will be discussing the importance of engaging with creative outlets, breaking down your personal barriers, and allowing yourself to engage in things that spark your interest and curiosity. Participants can also play a test session of Chaos Melody: a D20-based roleplay game set in a futuristic world filled with strange technologies and magic. Each session will have a maximum of 6 participants and will last approximately 45 minutes.
My name is Matt Minter. I’ve been telling stories through various mediums for most of my life. My love for music, art and collaborative storytelling has led me to creating Chaos Melody so others can tell stories of their own inside my fictional world.
5:45pm-6:00pm | Mandatory Homeroom Pick-Up
Parents to pick up their Homeroom youth and perhaps coordinate eating dinner together.
Independent – Unless Purchased Keynote Dinner | Birds of a Feather May Want to Flock Together for Dinner.
5:45pm | Hospitality Closes For Dinner Break And Keynote
6:00pm | Dinner | Corte Madera
Dinner Buffet $65 (tax and tip included). Limited available for purchase at the door.
7:00pm | Keynote Dr. Worrell | Corte Madera
Cognitive Abilities: Necessary but Not Sufficient
General cognitive ability or IQ has been associated with outstanding achievements in the academic and vocational domains since its introduction to the psychological literature, and there is ample evidence that it is an important contributor to performance outcomes. However, over the past few decades, there is a growing recognition that IQ is necessary but not sufficient for performance. In this presentation, after reviewing the contributions of general intelligence to performance, Dr. Worrell will discuss the role of domain-specific abilities and other individual factors as well as appropriate contexts to the development of individuals who make outstanding contributions to society.
Frank C. Worrell, PhD, is a Distinguished Professor at the University of California, Berkeley. He is a Fellow of the American Educational Research Association, the American Psychological Association, and the Association for Psychological Science, and a member of the National Academy of Education. He was the 2022 President of the American Psychological Association.
8:30pm | Hospitality reopens | Suite 101
8:30pm-9:45pm | Program
Why Large Language Models Like GPT Are A Big Deal | Bebo White | Mill Valley

Bebo White is retired from the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, the U.S. national laboratory for high-energy physics and basic energy science at Stanford University where he worked as a computational physicist. He holds multiple faculty positions and is a frequent conference and seminar speaker. He is the author of 9 books, and over 100 papers and journal articles.
Contact Bebo at
Role Playing Games Artform Overview | Nick Kloski | Larkspur
Come to this fun and informative session to learn about role playing games (RPG’s) and how they are more accessible than ever. You might have heard that this is the 50th anniversary of Dungeons and Dragons but did you know that there are hundreds of other role playing systems out there? This talk will show you how collaborative storytelling through deeply meaningful world-imagery can be something you can do with a group, even one other person, or even alone!
Nick Kloski is a Mensa member living in the East Bay (Walnut Creek / Danville). For years he has collected RPG systems and enjoyed thinking about how to create worlds of meaning through those systems. An English major by schooling, but a techie by trade, Nick brings a good balance of perspectives to this topic 🙂
Contact Nick at
Lightning Talks | Andy Lampenfield | Petaluma

Each speaker will have up to 5 minutes to be serious, funny, silly, exciting, trivial, or “over the top”. For those wishing to give a Lightning Talk, a sign-up sheet will be available at Registration and Hospitality, as well as at the event itself.
Debate Room: Immigration | Host: Mickie Winkler | Tiburon
Immigration: Do we want it? Do we need it? Can we manage it? And how?
These are some of the Immigration questions we can debate. If you want other questions, email me: Do we want it? Do we need it? Can we manage it? And how?
These are some of the Immigration questions we can debate.
Debate Room is a series of moderated, roundtable discussions, often on incendiary topics. It is NOT a shouting match! On the contrary, Debate Room tracks at various AGs and RGs have proven able to achieve a virtually pure signal-to-noise ratio even in rooms full of polarized Mensans. Understanding has been increased, and although strong views may not have been greatly changed, they have been refined while neutrals have become better informed.
GY PARENT TALK | Mathematics Education In California | Elizabeth Siva | Ross
This talk will explore the politics of the “math wars” in California and my experience as a public school student. Math education has a long history of debate and revision. Every eight years, California updates its recommendations for teaching math. The latest Math Framework, approved in 2023, has had ignited a fierce debate between equity and global competitiveness. This talk will delve into implications positive and negative the Math Framework to the gifted learner, and my own math journey.
I am a junior at Palo Alto Highschool. I am an advanced math learner and have completed several college level math classes – several in person at Stanford University.
Contact Elizabeth at
10:00pm-11:15pm | Program
Hell’s M’s Invades the Baltics, or, Where the Heck is Estonia Anyway? | Jon Gruebele | Mill Valley
Just over a month ago, a boatload of Hell’s M’s embarked on a 10-day cruise starting in Denmark, then traveling to Norway, Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland, and Sweden. We sailed with Norwegian Cruise Lines, a Mensa business partner. Come learn about our many exciting adventures and endure a brief, totally low pressure – or maybe impassioned – pitch to join us in Hell’s M’s. Rest assured, this presentation has at least some chance of being better than all the others scheduled at the same time!
Jon serves as Vice Chair on the American Mensa Board of Directors (AMC). He was Regional Vice Chair 4 from 2017 to 2024. Jon is a former LocSec and recipient of the National Chairman’s Service Award (2018), National Certificate of Appreciation (2021), and National Service Award (2024).
He’s been a proctor since 2010, testing over 200 candidates. He’s co-chaired A Gathering Of Gamers RG twice. Professionally, he’s managed large teams of IT professionals and is certified at process and quality improvement. https://www.gruebele.com
Contact Jon at
Subliminal Advertising—Real or Myth? | Gregg Siegel | Larkspur
Some observers claim that advertisers are using subliminal techniques to inject sales messages directly into our subconscious, where they can impact our behavior at a direct, insidious, almost hypnotic level. Most strongly associated with a time when the creative revolution in advertising became intertwined with 1970s pop psycology, believers in subliminal advertising saw the word SEX hidden in ads, as well as disembodied genitals, alternative hidden ad scenarios and bizarre Jungian symbology chock full of skulls, death masks and weird animals. But was subliminal advertising real or merely pareidolia and pervy imaginations? And, if real, did it really make people buy stuff? Come see some egregious examples and decide for yourself.
Gregg Siegel – Gregg Siegel is a freelance advertising copywriter, short humor writer, former freelance joke writer for several late night shows and comedians, and a competitive performance punner. None of these activities utilize subliminal techniques. As far as you know.
Contact Gregg at
Annual Joke Off | Host: Ed Marshall | Petaluma
Surprisingly invited back for a fourth time to enjoy and facilitate our members sharing their sense of humor.
Contact Ed at
Midnight | Hospitality & Games Room close for the night. Good night!
SUNDAY 24, 2024
7:30am | Hospitality | Coffee available | Suite 101
7:45am | Early Bird Hike | Led by Roberta McGuire
Join Roberta and other early risers. Meet in the lobby at 7:45 to walk to the fabulous San Rafael Farmer’s Market.
8:00am | Hospitality | Light Breakfast | Suite 101
(Hotel guests have breakfast buffet)
GY: 8:00am | Hotel Breakfast Room | Breakfast with New Friends
Come and find us at our table for breakfast with the GY Gang!
10:15am-11:30am | Program
Prison Libraries - An Overview | Stephen Richards | Larkspur
My program will be an introduction to prison librarianship including the role of the prison library for recreational, educational, self-improvement, and legal materials. This overview will be from my perspective of my time working as a CDCR librarian at San Quentin and working now for the Marin County Law Library.
I’m currently the director/librarian of the Marin County Law Library after working at San Quentin. I graduated from the University of San Francisco School of Law and The Master of Library and Information Science Law
Librarianship program at the University of Washington Information School. My current roommate is a sable shorthaired cat named Lūx.
The Wonderful World of Speedcubing | Michael Chai | Mill Valley

I am Michael Chai, vice-chair of the board for the World Cube Association. I have been speedcubing since 2015 and have helped organize numerous local and regional competitions. As an intentional leader focused on developing and growing the people around me to succeed, I spend the majority of my time focused on driving the vision and direction of the hobby and sport.
You can contact Michael at
Debate Room: AI - Boon or Doom? | Host: Neil Harris | Tiburon
Neil Harris, a Lifetime Mensa Member, moderated debates as a High School teacher. He has studied and followed AI for many years.
Debate Room is a series of moderated, roundtable discussions, often on incendiary topics. It is NOT a shouting match! On the contrary, Debate Room tracks at various AGs and RGs have proven able to achieve a virtually pure signal-to-noise ratio even in rooms full of polarized Mensans. Understanding has been increased, and although strong views may not have been greatly changed, they have been refined while neutrals have become better informed.
11:45am | Keynote Evan Groover | Larkspur
Gene editing is revolutionizing agriculture by changing how we design, produce, and consume food. But how is this technology being used, and what does this mean for farmers, consumers, and society at large? We’ll take a holistic journey through the history of plant breeding to understand how this cutting-edge technology — and CRISPR gene editing, in particular — is being used to meet the needs of a growing human population and a warming world.
Evan Groover is a PhD candidate at UC Berkeley and the Innovative Genomics Institute, where he works on the development of CRISPR gene editing for agriculture. He is developing genome edited supercrops to sequester atmospheric CO2, and works broadly democratizing and disseminating CRISPR tools in the developing world to combat food insecurity.
1:00pm | The RG ends. See you next year!
1:30ish | Post RG | Flip Out With The Pinball Wizard & Lunch | Pixel, 1137 Fourth Street, San Rafael
Please note that Pixel is 21+ ONLY at this time!
Join 2011 World Pinball Champion, Andrei Massenkoff, to learn about how to enjoy the game of pinball. There will be something for everyone, with a bit of history, some instruction on beginner through expert skills and strategies, and lots of hands-on experience on the wide variety of pinball machines at Pixels.
Find food options here: https://pixelsarcadetaproom.com