June 2024

Meet your fellow Mensans at one of our monthly events!

May 2024

Meet your fellow Mensans at one of our monthly events!

April 2024

Meet your fellow Mensans at one of our monthly events!

Gifted Youth Corner – April

Happy National Volunteer Month!

The history of National Volunteer Month dates back to the mid-20th century when numerous organizations and nonprofits began acknowledging the immense contributions of volunteers.

RG 2024 Program

SFRM RG 2024 PROGRAM More Info  | Register The program is for the most part in place but talks may still be subject to change. Game Room Formal Game Room open until Midnight. After Midnight, games can be played in hospitality. Games available include Scrabble, chess, backgammon, Encore, Clue, Yahtzee, Boggle, Blokus, Mensa Connections, Poker, ìSetî, Palabra, Uno, Dominoes, Cribbage, bridge, Parcheesi, Clue and many others. Jigsaw Puzzles We’ll always have a picture puzzle started. Drop into the game room and add a few pieces. FRIDAY 22, 2024 3:00 | Registration Opens 3:00 | Hospitality Opens 4:00 | Games Room Opens 4:00-5:15 | Program Title | Speaker | Room Description Title | Speaker | Room Description Title | Speaker | Room Description 5:30-6:30 | Wine and Cheese Reception | Patio 6:30-7:30 | Buy Your Own Dinner Break 8:00-9:15 | Program Title | Speaker | Room Description Title | Speaker | Room Description Title | Speaker | Room Description 9:30-11:30 | Program Title | Speaker | Room Description Title | Speaker | Room Description Title | Speaker | Room Description Activity | Host | Room Description Debate Room: Title | Host | Room Description Scattergories | Barbara & Jim | Room Right off the top of your head, name a restaurant, fruit, toy, Halloween costume, and weapon. And make sure they all begin with the same letter. If “C” is the letter, you might answer Chinese, Cantaloupe, Cap Gun, Clown, and Catapult. But be unique. If your response is the same as an opponent’s, you score nothing! 144 different categories and 20 letters chosen randomly give lots of possibilities. Title...

March 2024

Meet your fellow Mensans at one of our monthly events!

February 2024

Meet your fellow Mensans at one of our monthly events!

January 2024

Meet your fellow Mensans at one of our monthly events!

Gifted Youth December 2023 Newsletter

I’m excited to share that I have a website for all of you to refer to: https://region8gyc.com/  There you can see the past newsletters (like this one!), upcoming events, and program updates. 

Event Recap: Making and Keeping Good Friends

Our November virtual event with Dr. Marty Nemko, Secrets to Making and Keeping Good Friends, was a hit where we had 15 of 37 registrants attending the session where we talked a lot about our challenges with friendship and shared ideas on how to better connect with people we want to become our friends.

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